Hi! I'm looking for some feedback from customers that WANT to see a cake class or two offered soon. I am just looking to pick your brain on how to do this best. I understand that not everyone is ready to take a class yet due to the governor recent restrictions. I set up this survey for my customers who are INTERESTED in a class or two soon. So if you are not ready - don't take this survey - you can always sign up for a class later in the year when you feel more comfortable and things are a bit more settled.
I rent the little Brush Valley Chapel's Fellowship Hall. They are good to me and are so close to my bakery that it is convenient for me to hold classes there. I contacted them today to see if they may be interested in letting me have classes again there. I asked about holding a Valentine's Day class - just to set a date on their end. They are having a board meeting this upcoming weekend and will discuss it. This church has an elderly congregation, so I understand their fears. Up until now, they haven't been using the Fellowship Hall. I explained that I am trying to decide if "life should go on" and get back to normal a bit or if I need to wait longer to see how things go with the vaccine and the general health of our community. The final say with these classes will come down to the church's decision. They may not want to let me rent this early in the year, so this is honestly just a survey to get some feelers out to see what you all think.